You are NOT your MRI

X-rays and MRIs can be useful and do have a place in healthcare, but they are overused when it comes to musculoskeletal pain. They are also extremely expensive and can often cause more harm than good. 

Education is power. Let us educate you on MRIs and why you should always take medical imaging with a grain of salt!

Multiple studies on different body parts have shown that a significant percentage of people who have NO PAIN have “abnormal” X-ray or MRI findings. A major review in 2014 by Brinjikji et al concluded that, “signs of degeneration are present in very high percentages of healthy people with no problem at all. Many imaging-based degenerative features are likely part of normal aging and unassociated with pain.” 

As we age, there are normal changes that happen within our bodies. So just because you may hear words such as “arthritis, stenosis, degeneration, or bulging discs” this does not always correlate with pain or a clinical presentation! 

If you just fixate on an image, and the supposed implications of that image, you might create a self-fulfilling prophecy. 

  • “My knee is bone-on-bone, so I can’t run.” 
  • “There’s a herniated disc at L5-S1, so I stopped going to the gym.” 
  • “I have a pinched nerve in my neck, so I don’t play golf anymore.”

But I want you to remember 4 things:

  1. Most so-called “abnormalities” are common in people without symptoms.
  2. Imaging doesn’t necessarily predict long-term outcomes.
  3. Some imaging changes can resolve on their own.
  4. Even when imaging changes don’t resolve, symptoms and function can improve.

Overall, your MRI results should not dictate how your physical therapist manages your pain. Two people may have the same exact MRI findings. One person could be in 10/10 pain while the other has 0/10 pain. Your physical therapist should treat YOU! What makes you feel better or worse? What impairments do you have? 

Conservative treatment for low back pain has been shown to be superior to other interventions such as injections, medications, or surgery. No matter how long you have suffered from pain, it is never too late to start feeling better.

MRIs and X-rays do have a time and place and are a useful tool in ruling out bigger, scarier things such as fractures, tumors, and spinal cord compression. 

Here are more research articles for you nerds!

MRIs and Knee Osteoarthritis

MRIs and Knee Pain

MRIs and Knees

MRIs and Back Pain

Bulletproof Physical Therapy is about more than just alleviating your pain. We want to move you from injured to healthy and ready to take on your next PR or race! Our comprehensive approach will get you out of pain and provide you with the tools to remain pain free for years to come!

Click HERE to schedule a free discovery call!  


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